New US and European Patents for Revolutionary Uscom Cardiovascular Monitor

SYDNEY, Australia, Wednesday 17th July 2019: Uscom Limited (ASX code: UCM) (the Company or Uscom) today notified the market that it has received Notification of Allowance for its “Combined blood flow and pressure monitoring system and method” from the United States Patents and Trademarks Office and The European Patent Office. The novel technology provides unique non-invasive measures of the function of the heart and vessels only previously available using invasive catheters and transducers.

The Notification of Allowance followed acceptance of all claims by the United States Patents and Trademarks Office for the patent application numbered 14/760582 confirms that the patent has met the requirements for issuance. The patent has a filing and priority date of 13/7/2015 and protects the invention for a period of 20 years, and will be granted following payment of appropriate fees.

The Intention to Grant from the European Patents Office for EP number 14 783 050.5-1124 has a priority date of 14-01-2013 and was filed on 14-01-2014 and is also valid for 20 years from the filing date following payment of fees.

The patent was authored by Uscom founder Associate Professor Rob Phillips and covers the non-invasive assessment and integration of cardiac output blood flow, from the patent protected USCOM 1A, and blood pressure waveforms, from the Uscom BP+. The system and method combines these two outputs and generates novel signals and measures of flow and pressure within the heart and vessels. These signals vary during normal function, and with disease and therapy, and can be applied widely in clinical practice.

While volume and pressure relationships have been core to cardiology for many years, the methods have required cardiac catheterisation or surgically implanted transducers. Both methods have accompanying risks, including infection and arterial and cardiac damage, and so the methods are limited to only the most at risk patients, or during research. This new non-invasive system and method can be performed routinely in a clinician’s office on all patients and provide equivalent information noninvasively, painlessly and without risk.

Uscom CEO Associate Professor Rob Phillips said, “This technology is an important step forward for clinical medicine. Cardiac volume and pressure loops are the “holy grail” in cardiovascular physiology, but have only previously been available using invasive cardiac catheters and transducers with all their complications. This new non-invasive technology combines the clinical strengths of our sector leading USCOM 1A and the Uscom BP+, and will provide us with accurate and universally applicable clinical cardiovascular measures. The new monitoring should be feasible in neonates, children, adults, and in the elderly and will improve patient care and outcomes in heart failure, hypertension and sepsis. Uscom was founded on a central mission to develop noninvasive and accurate technologies to replace invasive methods. This patent provides us with commercial protection as we develop new life saving products for Uscom and grow long term shareholder value.”

Uscom manufactures and markets the USCOM 1A, the Uscom BP+, and the Uscom SpiroSonic digital ultrasonic spirometry technologies. These premium digital devices are changing the way we diagnose and treat cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, including hypertension, heart failure, asthma, COPD and sleep disorders. These devices and technologies provide vital guidance for optimising management of sepsis and the administration of fluid, inotropes and vasoactive therapies in critical care monitoring. They can also be applied in clinical and home care diagnosis of asthma and COPD, and monitoring the effects of treatment.