BP+ Current Evidence

Uscom BP+ is the first non-invasive central blood pressure monitor to meet ARTERY Gold Standard invasive validation with micromanometer catheters, recording accurate and repeatable measurements using a familiar upper arm cuff. The most recent validation was presented as an ePoster at the European Cardiovascular Society Congress in London on the 2nd of September 2024 by Dr Carlier of U. MONS. Download the poster presentation

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Uscom maintains a reference of all current evidence for the BP+ product. Here is some of the key evidence 

Evaluation of a novel sphygmomanometer, which estimates central aortic blood pressure from analysis of brachial artery suprasystolic pressure waves

There was good correlation in central SBP between catheter measurements and Pulsecor estimates by either invasive or non-invasive calibration methods. The author concluded that Pulsecor R6.5 (Uscom) provides a simple and easy method to noninvasively estimate central SBP, which has highly acceptable accuracy.

Lin ACW, Lowe A, Sidhu K, Harrison W, Ruygrok P, Stewart R

J Hypertens 30:1743-1750
Arterial pressure: agreement between a brachial cuff-based device and radial tonometry

Central systolic BP, as estimated by the cuff based device, was found to be highly reproducible and comparable to that estimated by tonometry. The cuff based device pressure waveforms were similar to those acquired invasively. Simplifying the measurement of central BP could lead to improved adoption of estimates of central BP in clinical practice.

Park CM, Korolkova O, Davies JE, Parker KH, Siggers JH, March K, Tillin T, Chaturvedi N, Hughes AD

Published: Journal of Hypertension: April 2014 - Volume 32 - Issue 4 - p 865-872 doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000082
Arterial waveform parameters in a large, population-based sample of adults: relationships with ethnicity and lifestyle factors

Brachial BP cannot act as a surrogate for aortic waveform parameters. Ethnic differences were better monitored by quantifying aortic waveform parameters using monitors such as the BP+. Heavy alcohol consumption, smoking and BMI were positively and directly associated with these parameters, supporting interventions aimed at reducing these three risk factors as strategies to improve arterial function.

Sluyter JD, Hughes AD, Thom SAMcG, Lowe A, Camargo CA Jr, Hametner B, Wassertheurer S, Parker KH and Scragg RKR

Journal of Human Hypertension (2016), 1-8
Diagnosis of atrial fibrillation using the Pulsecor Cardioscope blood pressure device

The Pulsecor CardioScope is a user friendly, automated sphygmomanometer device which is capable of diagnosing atrial fibrillation with high sensitivity and may be used in primary care to screen for atrial fibrillation in conjunction with a BP measurement.

Oh T, Lowe A, Lin A, Stewart R

Heart, Lung and Circulation, Volume 22, Issue 7, 572
Statin utilisation in a real-world setting: a retrospective analysis in relation to arterial and cardiovascular autonomic function

Statins prescribed for their lipid-lowering effects may also have small blood pressure BP-lowering properties. This study of 4942 adults showed adherence and longer periods of utilization were associated with lower, more favorable levels of most arterial function parameters: brachial and aortic SBP and DBP, and peak reservoir pressure.

Sluyter J, Hughes AD, Lowe A, Camargo Jr CA & Scragg RKR

Pharma Res Per, 4(6), 2016, e00276, doi: 10.1002/prp2.276
Validation of USCOM BP+ in children and adolescent: a preliminary observation

Invasive blood pressure validation in children of 1 to 16 years of age shows comparable central blood pressure with invasive catheter lab measurements.

Saikia B, Fordham T, Derrick G, Brierley J.

Critical Care Medicine: December 2015 - Volume 43 - Issue 12 - p 30-31 doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000473945.15805.ee
Validation of oscillometric pulse wave analysis measurements in children

Stoner L, Lambrick DM, Westrupp N, Young J, Faulkner J
The author's aim was to validate oscillometric Pulse Wave Analysis (PWA) for use in children as tonometry can be especially challenging when used on this cohort. This study suggests that oscillometric PWA provides valid measures of central blood pressure and arterial wave reflection in children aged 8–10 years.

American Journal of Hypertension 27(6) June 2014, doi:10.1093/ajh/hpt243
Correlation of blood pressure, obesity, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet with indices of arterial stiffness in children

Augmentation index (AI) in the brachial artery, the peripheral pulse pressure to central pulse pressure (PPP/CPP) ratio, and the reflected wave transit time to height ratio, indirect indices of arterial stiffness (AS) by peripheral pulse wave analysis were assessed with obesity, BP and dietary patterns in 12-year-old children. Obesity and dietary habits correlated independently with AS indices from this young age.

Lydakis C, Stefanaki E, Stefanaki S, Thalassinos E, Kavousanaki M, Lydaki D

Eur J Pediatr (2012) 171: 1373
Non-invasive model-based estimation of aortic pulse pressure using suprasystolic brachial pressure waveforms

This research has developed a model-based technique that accurately estimates central pressures from completely non-invasive peripheral measurements of blood pressure and suprasystolic waveform. The technique is easily applied in a clinical setting and achieves performance exceeding accepted international standards when validated against invasive catheterization.

Lowe A, Harrison W, El-Aklouk E, Ruygrok P, Al-Jumaily AM

Journal of Biomechanics 42 (2009) 2111–2115
Validity and reliability of central blood pressure estimated by upper arm oscillometric cuff pressure

Estimation of central SBP using cuff oscillometry is comparable to radial tonometry and has good reproducibility. As a non-invasive, relatively operator-independent method, upper arm oscillometric cuff method for estimating central BP may be as useful as non-invasive radial tonometry for estimating central BP in clinical practice.

Climie RED, Schultz MG, Nikolic SB, Ahuja KDK, Fell JW and Sharman JE

Am J Hypertens. 2012 Apr;25(4):414-20. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2011.238
A Method Comparison of Central Blood Pressure Measurements by Pulsecor and Sphygmocor Devices

The Pulsecor and SphygmoCor systems for non-invasive estimation of central systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures have substantially equivalent overall system efficacy when used on adult patients. The systems also provide substantially equivalent augmentation index and augmentation pressure.

Park CM, March K, Ghosh A, Hughes AD

Artery Research 4(4):171-171

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